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Things to Avoid Saying to Someone with Anxiety

Do you know someone anxious all the time? Do you have difficulty understanding what to say to a person with anxiety? For the unversed, anxiety is a natural and adaptive response to stress or a perceived threat. It alerts us of the potential dangers around us and helps us to respond appropriately. But in some cases, anxiety becomes excessive, prolonged, or disproportionate to the situation. Then it can interfere with daily life and well-being, and if you say the wrong things to someone with anxiety, it can make a situation worse. Read on to find out what not to say to someone with anxiety.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety serves as a protective mechanism, and is characterised by feelings of uneasiness, worry, or fear, says Dr Parth Nagda, a psychiatrist. It is a persistent, overwhelming sense of worry, fear, or unease that can manifest both mentally and physically. A lot of things can trigger anxiety such as concern about future events, accompanied by restlessness, tension, and increased heart rate. It can have a negative impact on your life, requiring attention, and in some cases, professional interventions. You should know what to say to someone with anxiety.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Symptoms of anxiety may vary from one person to another, but some of the most common signs of anxiety include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Muscle tension
  • Restlessness
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Overthinking
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation
  • Difficulty in focusing or concentration.

There are different types of anxiety disorders, including generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and various other phobias.

How is anxiety different from usual jitters?

Jitters is a temporary and mild state of nervousness or unease. It is common to experience it before certain situations such as public speaking, starting a new job, or going on a first date, before an exam. Jitters are typically short-lived and may even be considered normal.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is a broader and more persistent mental health condition, the expert tells Health Shots. Anxiety disorders involve more intense and prolonged feelings of worry, fear or apprehension that can significantly impact a person’s daily life. Anxiety disorders often go beyond temporary nervousness.

What not to say to someone with anxiety?

A person with anxiety can be sensitive to a lot of things, especially to what the people around them say. It can be tricky to determine what to say and to avoid saying in front of people with anxiety. If you’ve been confused about what to say in front of someone with anxiety, you can start by avoiding these things:

  1. Just unwind
  2. It’s all in your head
  3. Snap out of it
  4. What do you have to be anxious about?
  5. You are being too sensitive
  6. I know how you feel
  7. Why don’t you just face your fears?
  8. Calm down
  9. You are overreacting
  10. It’s all in God’s hands

What should we say to someone with anxiety?

While communicating with a person’s suffering from anxiety, offer empathy, support and understanding, suggests the expert.

  1. I’m here for you
  2. Is there anything specific you’d like to talk about or share?
  3. I’m sorry you are going through this. How can I help?
  4. What do you need right now?
  5. I may not fully understand, but I want to learn more about how you are feeling.
  6. Take your time; there is no rush.

Everyone’s experience with anxiety is unique, so being open and supportive can make a significant difference. Listening without judgment and being patient are crucial when it comes to supporting someone with anxiety.

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