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Exploring Dry Humping: A Guide to What It Is and How to Do It

Do you often find yourselves in situations where you want to have sex but just cannot at that particular time? Well, dry humping might be your best bet! Dry humping or dry sex is a form of sexual activity which does not involve any form of penetration, skin-to-skin contact, or any bodily fluids. However, if done in the right manner, dry humping can be as pleasurable as sex, or even more! Also called outercourse, dry humping involves two or more people rubbing their bodies against each other.

How does dry humping work?

Dry humping may not involve penetration, but it surely works! Niyatii N Shah, a sexuality educator and counselor, explains that dry humping works by the friction of your genitals against your body or your partner’s genitals, which leads to sexual stimulation and can result in orgasm. It is a form of sexual activity that does not require direct skin-to-skin contact or penetration.

How to dry hump?

There is no right or wrong way to dry hump. You can do it as you like it. Some couples may prefer to do it while standing, while others may prefer lying down sideways or one on top of another. Some couples may be more comfortable fully clothed, while others may prefer doing it in their underwear as a form of protection against penetrative sex. As long as it creates friction and sensation in the right place, you’re good to go. It can also be a great foreplay technique, so it’s a good idea to keep condoms or other contraception handy. Dry humping can also be practiced solo using a pillow or the edge of an upholstered furniture, or anything that won’t cause an injury.

Can dry humping be better than sex?

There may be some advantages of choosing dry humping over intercourse for certain individuals or situations. Here are some potential advantages:

  1. Reduced risk: Since there are no bodily fluids involved, the risk of catching sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and getting pregnant is significantly lowered compared to conventional sex.
  2. Physical comfort: Dry humping can completely avoid the pain that some women experience during sex.
  3. Detached emotional connection: Dry humping allows for a no-strings-attached type of situation, without bringing people emotionally closer like sex does.
  4. Exploration and teasing: Dry humping can be a form of extended foreplay, allowing partners to explore their desires and fantasies gradually, leading to heightened sexual tension and excitement.
  5. Variety and no pressure: Dry humping can make your sex life more exciting and add variety. It does not require a full erection, allowing men to enjoy the sexual activity without feeling pressure to perform.

It’s important to note that while the risk of catching STIs and getting pregnant is lower in dry humping than intercourse, it is not entirely eliminated.

What are the risk factors associated with dry humping?

There are a few risk factors to consider when engaging in dry humping:

  • Skin irritation: Chafing or other forms of skin irritation can happen during dry humping, so it’s important to be careful of what you wear and ensure both partners are well-lubricated.
  • STI and pregnancy risk: While the risk is lower compared to sex, there is still a minimal risk of transmitting STIs or getting pregnant if there is direct genital or bodily fluid contact during dry humping. Using barrier methods like condoms can reduce this risk.
  • Comfort and consent: Even though it’s not intercourse, consent is still necessary. No one should ever feel pressured into engaging in any sexual activity, including dry humping.

What are the best positions for dry humping?

There are various positions you can try during dry humping. Some common positions include:

  • Standard dry humping: Lying or sitting facing each other and rubbing clothed bodies together for close body-to-body contact.
  • Straddling: One partner straddling the other’s lap, allowing for control and arousal.
  • Spooning: Dry humping while in a spooning position, with one partner behind the other for intimacy and comfort.
  • Grinding: Standing and grinding against each other while clothed, often seen in a club or dance setting.

Remember, the key is to communicate with your partner and find positions that work best for both of you.

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