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9 Powerful Tips for Handling Toxic People


Imagine dealing with a family member who is always negative or a friend who constantly radiates negative energy. It can be mentally exhausting, and cutting ties with toxic people is not always an option. Whether it’s a manipulative boss, a difficult colleague, or a toxic family member, managing conversations and experiences with them requires smart strategies. In this article, we will explore the signs of toxic people and provide nine powerful tips for handling them.

What causes someone to become a toxic person?

Toxicity in individuals can stem from various reasons, often being a complex mix of personal experiences. According to psychotherapist and life/business coach Dr. Chandni Tugnait, toxicity varies from person to person due to factors such as past trauma, low self-esteem, personality disorders, and unresolved issues.

Reasons why some people are toxic:

1. Past trauma: Individuals who have experienced trauma may struggle to move on and may adopt toxic behaviors as a means of self-preservation.
2. Low self-esteem: People with low self-esteem may put others down to boost their own sense of worth.
3. Personality disorders: Individuals with personality disorders like narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder may engage in toxic behavior that hinders healthy relationships.
4. Unresolved issues: People with unresolved psychological issues, such as unresolved grief, anger, and resentment, may become bitter and lash out at others.

Signs of toxic people

Identifying toxic people is crucial in dealing with them effectively. Here are some common signs and behaviors to look out for:
– They make everything about themselves and redirect conversations to focus on their own issues.
– They refuse to take responsibility and always blame others, playing the victim.
– They invalidate your feelings and criticize you for your emotions.
– They drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted after interacting with them.
– They manipulate others using guilt trips, lies, and threats.
– They are highly critical and judgmental, always finding faults in others.
– They lack empathy and struggle to understand or share in other people’s emotions.
– They exhibit passive-aggressive behavior, making snide comments instead of addressing issues directly.
– They are unreliable and cannot be counted on to follow through or support you.
– They betray your trust, break confidences, and use sensitive information against you.

Ways to deal with toxic people

Once you have identified toxic people in your life, here are nine powerful tips for handling them:

1. Set boundaries

Establish clear boundaries regarding what actions you will tolerate and what you won’t. If they cross the line, consider leaving the situation or imposing consequences.

2. Limit contact

Reduce the amount of time you spend with toxic people and avoid sharing personal details about your life. Interact with them only when necessary and keep the interactions brief.

3. Don’t take it personally

Remember that the toxic person’s behavior reflects their internal problems and is not a reflection of your worth. Do not let their words and actions affect your self-esteem.

4. Be assertive

Stand up for yourself and be assertive. Don’t allow them to manipulate or exploit you. Say “no” when necessary and communicate your boundaries clearly.

5. Embrace self-compassion

When toxic people make you feel bad, counteract it with self-love and remind yourself of your value. Focus on positive aspects of your life and distance yourself from their criticism.

6. Surround yourself with positive influences

Spend more time with people who uplift you, show kindness, and make you feel good. Stay socially active but choose the right company.

7. Practice strategic empathy

Try to understand the underlying issues that may be driving the toxic behavior, but don’t tolerate their toxic behavior. Set compassionate but firm boundaries.

8. Don’t expect change

Accept that you cannot force a toxic person to change. Let go of any expectations for their transformation and focus on managing your own reactions.

9. Avoid escalation

Do not stoop to their level when toxic people try to provoke you. Stay calm and composed, and do not engage in their toxic behavior.


Protecting your peace of mind should be a priority when dealing with toxic people. Reduce your exposure to toxicity instead of escalating it. While it may be challenging, prioritize your mental and emotional health. Remember, it is not about hurting the other person, but about putting yourself first.

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