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Create a Stress-Free Day with These Daily Habits

Reduce stress with these daily activities

If there’s one word that can describe today’s lifestyle, it’s stress. While minor stress can have positive results and help us grow, chronic stress can have detrimental effects on our mental and physical well-being. To navigate our fast-paced lives in a productive way, it’s important to incorporate habits that help us relieve stress. Health Shots reached out to Dr. Ushakiran Sisodia, a Registered Dietician and Clinical Nutritionist at Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital in Mumbai, to learn about some everyday stress-reducing techniques.

How to reduce stress in the morning?

According to Dr. Sisodia, starting your day mindfully is key. Aim for a consistent seven to eight hours of sleep to ensure optimal cognitive and physical functioning. Wake up a little earlier to give yourself time for deep breathing or meditation, followed by a brisk walk, light stretching, or yoga. These exercises help energize your body and mind, preparing you for the day ahead. For breakfast, opt for a balanced meal that includes whole grains, proteins, and a serving of fruit to sustain your energy and focus throughout the morning.

Make your afternoon stress-free with these tips

As the day progresses, work intensity increases and stress levels rise. Maintaining mental focus becomes crucial. Dr. Sisodia suggests using techniques like the Pomodoro method, which involves concentrated work intervals interspersed with short breaks to help maintain focus. During these breaks, take short walks or practice deep-breathing exercises to refresh your mind. Additionally, include green leafy vegetables in your lunch, as they are known for their magnesium content, which can help buffer against stress.

Tips to reduce stress before you sleep

As the day transitions into evening, it’s important to shift your focus from work to personal growth. Engage in physical activities like walking or cycling, which not only provide a mental break but also release accumulated physical tension. In the evening, nourish your mind with snacks rich in essential fatty acids, such as almonds. It’s crucial to completely disconnect from work-related communications to reinforce the boundary between work and leisure.

Concluding the day

Nighttime is a time for relaxation. Incorporate unwinding habits such as reading, journaling, or listening to soft music into your routine. Consuming foods rich in tryptophan during dinner can be beneficial. Additionally, create a sleep-conducive environment by ensuring your room is cool and dark, and minimize screen exposure before bed.

By incorporating these specific practices, activities, and dietary choices into your daily routine, you can effectively navigate stressors and achieve a holistic sense of wellness.

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